TC2: Secured Autonomy

For secured autonomy in future UAM systems, unresolved issues include operation in potentially hostile environments with high dynamics, the system’s inherent heterogeneity among cyber and physical components, large scale of the overall system, and limited computation/processing capability of individual components.

Urgent Need for Secure Autonomy

Conventional security techniques alone will not assure future UAM’s security and safety, while traditional fault-tolerant control methods are not directly applicable to achieve resiliency against malicious cyber-physical attacks (e.g., Denial-of-Service, Distributed Denial-of-Service, Man-in-the-Middle (MitM), and Eavesdropping, etc.) with sophisticated spoofs of the monitoring system. Challenges for secured UAM systems come from the inherent heterogeneity of their physical components, the large scale and limited computation/processing capability of their individual components, and the hostile, highly dynamic environment

The challenges of TC2 will be addressed through the following objectives:

  • (Objective I) Mathematical Modeling of UAM and Cyberattack
  • (Objective II) Cyberattack Analysis, Detection, and Risk Management
  • (Objective III) AI-driven Cyberattack Monitoring
  • (Objective IV) Benchmark Resilience in Fully Distributed Scenarios